מאמרי החכם ר' שמעון
This website presents selected essays written by the late Rabbi Shimon Agassi.
Hakham Rabbi Shimon Ben Aharon Agassi (HARASHB"A) Z'L, lived in Baghdad
between the years 1852 and 1914.  "Harav Shimon Agassi's light of Torah spread
through the hearts of that entire generation and those after it.
Gadol bacol micol
in the revealed and hidden Torah, in his vast knowledge and depth of
understanding. A great leader in
tsedaka and kindness, great community activist
and great in understanding and vision..." was written about him.

I dedicate this website to the memory of my honorable Grandfather, to the
memory of my beloved late parents, Eliyahu and Ada, to my beloved close family,
my wife Miri, and my children Uri, Maya and Na'ama Agassi.
Click to enlarge picture.
Shimon (Eliyahu Rabbi Shimon) Agassi, Tel-Aviv, 2003.
If Hebrew appears "Gibberish",  Click: View / Encoding / Hebrew (Windows)
הקלק על שם המאמר כדי להציגו. ניתן לבצע במאמר
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חכם רבי שמעון אגסי
לשליחת דואר הקלק כאן
Website Updates:
20-Feb-2013 - Essays webpage created.
Click to Agassi homepage.
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